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Meet a lady whose passion is God and His Truth. She has experienced firsthand the difference God’s Word makes in an insecure and broken woman’s life. So there is nothing she would rather do than dig into the bible, grasp its wisdom, and share how it can transform your life too!
Christie is willing to share the hard pieces of life with humility and vulnerability, making you feel safe and surprisingly say, “She gets me!”
Believing you were made for more, she will challenge you to courageously look at yourself in light of His truth and grow. She would love to see all women on fire for God!
You will find her fresh enthusiasm for living and learning incredibly contagious and engaging.
She's an AUTHOR
Her desire to see her daughter grab hold of God’s truths at a much younger age than herself, led her to write Mirror of Truth. It is a thought-provoking bible study challenging women to:
Solidify their confidence in their Christ-given identity
Tenaciously fight for their spiritual & emotional freedom
Powerfully influence this world with their unique voice
Why does she serve?
She is not her own. Her life has been bought with a price.
So overwhelmed by His love, she offers herself, “Here I am. Use me for noble purposes. Let me be an instrument of Your love.”
What keeps her serving?
Her desire to bring God glory.
Currently Serving
Director of Women's Ministry at her church
Director of Mentoring & Life Skills Program at the Gratitude House, transitional housing for women in addiction recovery
She lives in the Pacific Northwest and is married to Mark, her polar opposite, but hands down her very best friend in the world. (Even their kids wonder how they ever got together!) Their greatest challenge has been blending their stubbornness and learning how to fight together for what really matters.Together, they love to hunt, host fishing derbies, lead small groups, speak on marriage, and serve overseas.
They have been incredibly blessed with 3 grown kids – Hunter, Taylor and Colton - a daughter~in~law Marea, a son~in~law Everett, and 2 granddaughters named Hadley and Bentley!
Being a mother was not the picture she had imagined; it is by far the most humbling role she has been given. She struggled with wondering if she failed more than she succeeded, but in the process, her heart has grown three times its original size!
Being a grandmother is the best thing going. In fact, if she knew it was going to be this amazing she would have grandkids first.
Her family makes her feel like the richest woman in the world!
And, yes, she is addicted to working out, loves to read one Patterson novel after another, believes being subtle is overrated, and is still learning the fine art of rest and relaxation.
Christie - Authentic & Passionate
“Only two things go into eternity — people and the Word of God. So, that is where I want to invest my time, my energy, and my efforts.
I am head-over-heels in love with the Word of God and I am passionate about declaring His truth. Yes, it carries with it an incredible weight of responsibility, but it also brings my soul the deepest joy to get to share its beauty, power, and wisdom.
I long to see women of every age confident in their Christ-given identity, freed from their emotional baggage and spiritual strongholds, and using their unique voice to make a difference for His glory.”
To view a list of topics, click HERE.
Watch the video below to view samples of Christie Speaking
- SHop
Do you see a Christ-follower passionate about making a difference? Or, do you see someone who is defined by the current culture?
No more filling the voids of your soul with exhausting and empty substitutes. God wants you to look into His Mirror of Truth and…
Solidify your confidence in your Christ-given identity
Tenaciously fight for your spiritual & emotional freedom
Powerfully influence this world with your unique voiceIn this six-week Bible study, be emotionally and spiritually transformed. Get to the real issues of your heart and be mentored by His truth as you
- Bravely confront your past & how it has impacted you
- Examine your soul to determine your life’s core values
- Make realistic plans to live out your God-given dreams
Leader Guides for Mirror of Truth bible Study
Christie Rayburn © 2019